Thanh Cong



June has been vibrant with many remarkable achievements and the relentless dedication of all employees. Let’s together celebrate and honor the outstanding teams and individuals who have contributed to the development of Thành Công.

HR department organized the “ChatGPT Pro Challenge” to encourage employees to apply AI technology in their work, aiming to enhance efficiency and save time. We have identified the top 3 best winners:

  1. Mr Dương Quang Hào – PI Department

“I am using Chat GPT to optimize content on noname brand social media before running ads. This helps reduce time for planning or executing marketing campaigns, while also providing me with more ideas and updates on new trends in reality.”

  1. Ms Nguyễn Thị Thu – PD Department

“Using chat GPT in the fabric product development process can enhance creativity, reduce time and costs. I also apply ChatGPT to research eco-friendly products, current trends, customer preferences, and information on materials (types of fibers) to facilitate my work.”

  1. Mr Phùng Thọ Thiên Vũ – Yarn Sales Department

“I used Co-Pilot to write VBA code to export content from an Excel sheet area to order emails. Applying AI to this work helps reduce time writing order emails, reduce errors in ordering. It also saves time learning VBA details but still effectively applies.”


The Sales team is regarded as the company’s ambassadors, directly ensuring customer satisfaction and driving revenue. They play a crucial role in the company’s existence and growth. During the meeting, the company honored 2 Sales teams for their outstanding achievements.

  1. Sales D3 TeamProfit Excellent Award for Sales Team with High performance in April, 2024.
  1. Sales A1.2 TeamRevenue Excellent Award for Team with High revenue growth in the first 4 months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.


For the Production Department, the Kaizen Award is a recognition of employees who have made significant contributions to process improvement, operational optimization, productivity enhancement, and cost savings. Congratulations to the following individuals who have received the award:

  1. Ms. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoa – Weaving Factory

Improve the leasing process for warp beam on section warping machines – Saving cost: 11,743$
Improved Leasing – Drawing – Tying process for Warp beam sizing there 2 yarn types – Saving cost: 5,740$ 

  1. Mr. Nguyễn Hồng Phúc – Weaving Factory

Improve the process of sizing Urament fabric – Saving cost: 21.000$

  1. Mr. Lê Đình Đơn – Weaving Factory

Improve the reel system of Benninger warping machine – Saving cost: 6.175$

  1. Mr. Nguyễn Quang Hòa – Knitting Factory

Improved guiding part for single 2 layers – Saving cost: 7.277$

Mr. Song Jae Ho – CEO – has extended his congratulations to all employees who have achieved outstanding performance and contributed continuously to the company’s development, becoming truly deserving winners. It is hoped that these awards not only recognize the efforts of teams and individuals but also serve as motivation for the entire team to continue striving and growing together.