Thanh Cong


International Standard for ESG of the Company is specified as follows

Social Responsibilities / Security

The Company's commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development by complying with standards of business ethics, protection of human rights and working conditions and regimes of employees. The Company's commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development by complying with standards of business ethics, protecting human rights and working conditions as well as workers' regimes

Environment Management System

Through ISO 14001 certifications, Higg Index aims to raise awareness of environmental issues among employees and at the same time take control measures to minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Organic / Recycled Materials

In order to keep up with the market trend, the Company has gradually changed to produce products using organic materials to enhance safety for consumers or use recycled materials to protect the environment.

Chemical Management System

To prove that the Company's products make sure to meet the criteria of chemical safety for users, the Company has tested the products for harmful substances including substances prohibited by law, substances chemicals that affect human health according to the requirements of the Oeko-Tex 100 standard to ensure the quality of the output products.